To all REYMSA Team, it is our sincere hope that all of you, your families and your coworkers are well and staying safe.  The number one goal of all of us is to avoid or at least minimize any effects from this dreaded virus on the health and happiness of our families and friends.


Most everyone is working from the relatively safe confines of our homes for now.  But we must also consider those whose professions or life conditions who cannot work from home, and keep them in our thoughts and prayers.


The world continues to turn, and there are requirements for business to go on as well as possible.  REYMSA management has followed the directives of the government and health services by providing the conditions which are conducive to working from home for office and sales personnel.  And closer to home for you, there will be no interruption of services, technical support or other requirements that you have had prior to this event from our factory engineering team.


It is also important that you know there have been no effects on the production process at the factory.  The facilities and factory personnel have been and continue to be monitored, while continuing the manufacturing and testing processes that are critical to the output of REYMSA quality products.  There are no shipment delays from the plant, so you can be assured your lead times remain intact as long as carrier personnel remain on their normal schedules.


Please don’t hesitate to give a call with questions and to bring your business requirements to us to the degree possible at your end.  We will be making every effort to maintain the flow. Stay safe!