The HFC Series tower is a Closed Circuit Fluid Cooler, which rejects the heat load of the process fluid by means of a copper coil, avoiding direct contact of the process fluid with environmental contaminants, and has more than 150 models certified by the CTI.

El Enfriador de Fluido
de Circuito Cerrado
más confiable en el mercado


HFC models

The HFC models currently available are notable for requiring minimal maintenance compared to other systems. They also feature fewer parts between the motor and the fan, which simplifies their operation and makes them more efficient. One of their additional advantages is the absence of belts to adjust, which makes them easier to use and maintain over time.

HFC-F models

Recognized for their efficiency, HFC models are presented as an option that requires minimal maintenance. Their design incorporates a simplified structure with fewer parts between the motor and the fan, which contributes to optimal operation. In addition, as there are no bands to adjust, these models result in a practical and easy-to-use solution in various applications.


Closed-Circuit Fluid Cooler

Closed-Circuit Fluid Cooler that rejects the process fluid heat load through a copper coil, which prevents direct contact between the process fluid and environmental contaminants.


Closed-Circuit Fluid Cooler

Closed-Circuit Fluid Cooler that rejects the process fluid heat load through a copper coil, which prevents direct contact between the process fluid and environmental contaminants.

HFC Models

HFC-F Models


Built for heavy-duty work and long-lasting durability


Housing and structure
built in FRP

Corrosion resistant, even in coastal areas and other environments with high levels of dissolved solids.

Longer life span

The lifespan of REYMSA towers is at least twice that of galvanized steel towers.

Low noise solutions

Optional models for noise sensitive applications where the lowest noise level is desired.

Energy saving

Low energy consumption per ton, as our towers exceed the minimum energy requirements of ASHRAE Standard 90.1.