REYMSA Cooling Towers can be configured to be one of the quietest units on the market. Just ask our friends at the Sheraton Kauai at Poipu, Kauai, HI. This Sheraton resort has two cooling towers that were installed in August of 2018. One of their objectives was to have a low sound operating tower so it wouldn’t disturb their guests.  To accomplish this we adjusted the box size and provided a 3 HP gear drive system to meet the resort’s requirements.  The towers were so quiet that when the owner’s representative walked up to review the unit he asked when they were going to turn them on! He was delighted to learn they were already turned on and working. He couldn’t believe how quiet they were!

This is what REYMSA can do for our costumers.  Sound is not always a major concern, but in this case, it was critical. One other point – as you can see, these towers are over a year old, next to the ocean, and they show no signs of age.  Thanks Jeff Austin for sharing this information.