The Closed Circuit Fluid Cooler is manufactured to provide the highest performance and long service life, for those demanding the best:
- Self contained heat transfer equipment.
- All construction materials are corrosion resistant.
- Over 100 different models.
- From 80 to 1,902 GPM @ Standard conditions: 95 ºF / 85 ºF / 78 ºF.
- CTI certified in accordance with Standard 201.
- Type L Copper Coil with stainless steel casing.
- High Performance Recirculating Pump.
- One, Two or four fan models with Direct Drive System.
- Low Sound fan option.
- Models available with Gear Drive System and Low sound by design.
- Our units exceed energy efficiency per ASHRAE Standard 90.1 to reduce operating cost.
Our Cooling Towers are designed to be sustainable and have a low environmental impact.