Allen ISD 4th replacement

In a bustling school district, a once-reliable metal cooling tower stood tall but had begun to show signs of age. Its rusted panels and weakened structure were becoming a concern. The district's maintenance team knew it was time for an upgrade.


After careful consideration, the decision was made to replace three of the deteriorated metal modules with new FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic) REYMSA towers. The new modules were sleek and modern, designed to withstand the test of time. They replaced the old, corroded sections, leaving only one metal module remaining.


The district quickly saw the benefits of the FRP towers. Not only were they more durable and efficient, but they also had a contemporary look that matched the district's vision for modernization. Years passed, and the lone metal module continued to age, showing signs of wear and tear.


Finally, the time came to address the last piece of the puzzle. The district decided it was time to replace the final metal module with a new REYMSA RTGM FRP module. The installation was smooth, and the new module blended seamlessly with the existing FRP towers. The cooling system was now fully upgraded, providing reliable and efficient cooling for the entire district.


Seeing the significant improvements and benefits from the FRP towers, the district was pleased with their decision. They had successfully transformed their aging cooling system into a modern, robust setup, with the new REYMSA RTGM module completing the set and ensuring years of dependable performance.

Thanks to Applied Climate Solutions for this great job and pictures.